Deck the halls with boughs of sic ‘ems! Sure, everyone thinks of red and green as the traditional Christmas colors — but green and gold makes for a pretty sharp look this time of year, too. Take a look at how some of your fellow Bears are incorporating their Baylor pride into their holiday decor.
For the tree. It’s probably a requirement that every Bear’s Christmas tree have at least one Baylor ornament hanging from its branches. But to have a truly Baylor Proud tree, check out these ornaments featuring McLane Stadium, Sailor Bear, and wishes for a “Merry Christmas & Sic ‘Em Bears” and a “Beary New Year!”
For the home. A Baylor Christmas stocking and nutcracker are musts. For the outside of the house, a green and gold wreath and giant lighted BU. Or, if you aren’t really into Baylor-themed Christmas decorations, maybe Baylor alums and stars of HGTV’s Fixer Upper Chip and Joanna Gaines can help you out.
For the Bear. You’ll be thrilled to know the Baylor Bookstore now sells its own Baylor ugly Christmas sweater! Make some jolly Baylor Bear cookies or a green and gold gingerbread house at home, and then head to campus Dec. 4 for Christmas on 5th Street.
Merry Christmas, and sic ’em Bears!
[Have any Baylor-themed Christmas decorations you want to show off? Let us know! Submit your point of pride online, or post them to Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest using the hashtag #BaylorChristmas.]